Speaking Samples
The power of a self-lit flame is deeply rooted in realism. It is truly a compelling, riveting, thought-provoking message at its core. Totally blind since age 2, Craig MacFarlane’s extraordinary athletic success is little more than the backdrop to an even more astonishing story. In a classic example of triumph over tragedy, Craig will open your eyes, heart, and mind to what’s possible in your life. You will acquire a different perspective where you look at your challenges as nothing more than minor inconveniences and what you once thought was impossible will now be probable.
The power of a self-lit flame is not just a concept, it embodies the constant belief you must have in yourself. It also represents your fuel source to everything you want to achieve, both large and small. You will discover your self-lit flame becomes the difference between a passive dream and the action required to make it your reality. It’s that same self-lit flame that ignites your pilot light that keeps your internal flame burning bright so it can continue to illuminate the path for your future.
Craig’s life is an inspiring testament that you should never accept excuses, especially your own. He will also show you that there is never a traffic jam on the extra mile because most people never get there. You will also gain a better understanding of the philosophy; the secret of your future will be hidden in your routine.
After listening to Craig, your approach to opportunities will be elevated and enhanced as you walk your talk with a greater sense of purpose. He will demonstrate that you should never let someone else set the odds for you, “because who set the odds anyway?” Craig always resonates with the audience with his passionate, charismatic delivery that is accompanied by his great sense of humor and most importantly, comes with a high degree of realism and memorability. Simply put, the power of a self-lit flame is the difference maker from who you are today to who you want to become tomorrow and on down the road. Craig MacFarlane has the distinctive gift of changing and impacting peoples’ lives that have the pleasure of listening to him.
The Power of a Self-lit Flame is Deeply Rooted in Realism

It is said that a Craig MacFarlane speech is a journey that moves effortlessly from standing ovation to standing ovation, only interrupted by laughter, emotion, and enlightenment.
Delivered with a disarmingly charismatic modesty, Craig will bring you to tears while making you laugh out loud as you are held in a sense of anticipation, hanging on every word as he shares with you a lifetime of wisdom that he has observed, and experienced, in the most unique and practical way. You’ll find yourself wanting more, and more, but you’ll also realize that you’ve just been shown the most pragmatic application of all the motivational messages you’ve ever heard. You’ll understand that you have no alternative but to succeed, and how you control what that success represents.
Bottom line is simply that a Craig MacFarlane event is unlike any other, and while you will no doubt be offered an entire seat for the experience, the truth is that you will only need the edge.
An experience not to be missed

I had to walk my talk before I ever knew what my talk was
In a world full of inspiring and motivating messages, delivered by an endless stream of enigmatic personalities, Craig MacFarlane stands alone as a beacon of character, reputation and integrity who brings the most compelling story of success, happiness, and satisfaction.
Since becoming totally blind at the age of two, Craig has often been quoted saying, “I had to walk my talk before I ever knew what my talk was,” and in walking that talk Craig has overcome what many consider to be the greatest tragedy a man could suffer. Using his “Inner Vision” to find the mental toughness needed to ignite and fuel his internal flame, Craig learned, and applied, the principles of success, often before he understood what those principles were. The result is an amazing journey that proves anyone can accomplish whatever they set their mind to do.
Often referred to as the World's Most Celebrated Totally Blind Athlete, Craig’s list of athletic accomplishments is lengthy, if not impressive. He has won more than 100 gold medals, the majority against sighted competition. He has won multiple national championships in two countries. He has represented two countries internationally and won on the world stage too. He has set records, and then exceeded them. He has even performed as a professional athlete, being the only totally blind person to ever achieve such success.
More amazing, this extraordinary athletic success is little more than the backdrop to an even more astonishing life in the world of business. This modest yet motivated man, in a classic example of Triumph over Tragedy, has built a remarkable family life and impressive business career, on what most consider an enviable scale. He learned the principles of success on the front lines of the battle, refined them by listening to and learning from the preeminent business leaders and successful athletes who he has had the privilege of getting to know on a personal level, and perfected them by teaching others, delivered from the unique perspective only he can bring, and presented in the charismatic and disarmingly engaging style that makes him an unforgettable character in the minds of all who meet him.
Once you’ve heard Craig MacFarlane talk about the POWER of WHY and how it is critical to ignite your self-lit flame, your desire to hear the rest of his wisdom will be irresistible, and your life will be changed forever.